Eyewitness David Moke
Pterosaurs Still Living
A native village leader on Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea, encountered a strange light shining down on him as he was in a canoe, over a reef at night, while his buddy was underwater trying to catch fish with a flashlight.
Email contact form for Jonathan Whitcomb part of the sketch drawn by the eyewitness: U.S. Marine Eskin Kuhn
Ropen-Pterosaur of Umboi Before examining the testimony of David Moke (pronounced mow-kay), we need to know something about two sightings of the ropen: one by Jonathan Ragu and the other by Jonah Jim. What do their observations have in common? Both of them saw a large flying creature that was glowing as it flew, and both Umboi Island men were interviewed by members of the Woetzel-Guessman team during the second ropen expedition of the year 2004. Both Jonathan Ragu and Jonah Jim, in different years and at different places on Umboi Island, saw a huge animal that investigators believe has intrinsic bioluminescence. In that context, we see why so many eyewitnesses have seen a flying light, on some nights, on this tropical island. And in the context of those sightings of flying lights we can see the possibility that David Moke may have seen the glow of a ropen that night in a canoe.
Jonathan Whitcomb interviewed David Moke (above), of Opai Village, Umboi Island, in 2004
Sighting of a ropen light over a reef According to the *second edition of the book Searching for Ropens, David Moke “and Peter Luke . . . were fishing, using the local custom of attracting fish with a ‘diving torch.’ . . . this waterproof flashlight can ‘put them to sleep.’ Moonless at 11:00 p.m., close to the reef, . . . as Moke was paddling the canoe and Luke was diving, without warning or sound, the sea was lit up with a brilliant light. . . .  The light source was unseen. After about five seconds, it gradually became dimmer until all was again dark. Jonathan Whitcomb, author of the book, concluded that the ropen of Umboi Island made the flash, responding to the flashlight. *The book Searching for Ropens and Finding God is now in its fourth edition.
Mesa, with his friends Gideon Koro and Wesley Koro, was terrified by the huge ropen that flew, in daylight, over Lake Pung, Umboi Island. They were three of seven boys who hiked up to the crater lake (about December of 1993), but they all ran home after encountering that ropen. The descriptions given by the three eyewitnesses interviewed by Jonathan Whitcomb suggest, to American investigators, a giant Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur. Ten years after the sighting, during a videotaped interview, Mesa still looked nervous talking about the encounter.
Apparently the ropen has an intrinsic bioluminescent glow that it uses to catch fish on the reefs, but some villagers on Umboi Island have also seen the five- second glow as it flies near the mountains.
Luke Paina, from the city of Lae, Papua New Guinea, saw the ropen briefly as it flew across the western side of Mount Bel on the evening of October 5, 2004 near Gomlongon Village. He was one of the interpreters for the American explorer Jonathan Whitcomb, who was asleep during the early-morning sighting.
Mark Kau (seen here with two sons) oversees several villages within his government responsibilities. From 2002 through 2004, according to the request of an one American ropen investigator, Paul Nation, Kau kept notes of his sightings of the ropen light, as he saw it from Gomlongon Village. Of his several sightings in 2002, one was of the creature flying towards Mount Bel and in another it was flying away from it. Other persons on Umboi Island have had similar sightings.
copyright 2005-2019 Jonathan David Whitcomb
Email contact form for Jonathan Whitcomb
Eyewitness David Moke
Pterosaurs Still Living
A native village leader on Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea, encountered a strange light shining down on him as he was in a canoe, over a reef at night, while his buddy was underwater trying to catch fish with a flashlight.
Email contact form for Jonathan Whitcomb
Jonathan Whitcomb interviewed David Moke (above), of Opai Village, Umboi Island, in 2004
Sighting of a ropen light over a reef According to the *second edition of the book Searching for Ropens, David Moke “and Peter Luke . . . were fishing, using the local custom of attracting fish with a ‘diving torch.’ . . . this waterproof flashlight can ‘put them to sleep.’ Moonless at 11:00 p.m., close to the reef, . . . as Moke was paddling the canoe and Luke was diving, without warning or sound, the sea was lit up with a brilliant light. . . .  The light source was unseen. After about five seconds, it gradually became dimmer until all was again dark. Jonathan Whitcomb, author of the book, concluded that the ropen of Umboi Island made the flash, responding to the flashlight. *The book Searching for Ropens and Finding God is now in its fourth edition.
Mesa, with his friends Gideon Koro and Wesley Koro, was terrified by the huge ropen that flew, in daylight, over Lake Pung, Umboi Island. They were three of seven boys who hiked up to the crater lake (about December of 1993), but they all ran home after encountering that ropen. The descriptions given by the three eyewitnesses interviewed by Jonathan Whitcomb suggest, to American investigators, a giant Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur. Ten years after the sighting, during a videotaped interview, Mesa still looked nervous talking about the encounter.
Apparently the ropen has an intrinsic bioluminescent glow that it uses to catch fish on the reefs, but some villagers on Umboi Island have also seen the five-second glow as it flies near the mountains.
part of the sketch drawn by the eyewitness: U.S. Marine Eskin Kuhn
Luke Paina, from the city of Lae, Papua New Guinea, saw the ropen briefly as it flew across the western side of Mount Bel on the evening of October 5, 2004 near Gomlongon Village. He was one of the interpreters for the American explorer Jonathan Whitcomb, who was asleep during the early-morning sighting.
Mark Kau (seen here with two sons) oversees several villages within his government responsibilities. From 2002 through 2004, according to the request of an one American ropen investigator, Paul Nation, Kau kept notes of his sightings of the ropen light, as he saw it from Gomlongon Village. Of his several sightings in 2002, one was of the creature flying towards Mount Bel and in another it was flying away from it. Other persons on Umboi Island have had similar sightings.
Ropen-Pterosaur of Umboi Before examining the testimony of David Moke (pronounced mow-kay), we need to know something about two sightings of the ropen: one by Jonathan Ragu and the other by Jonah Jim. What do their observations have in common? Both of them saw a large flying creature that was glowing as it flew, and both Umboi Island men were interviewed by members of the Woetzel-Guessman team during the second ropen expedition of the year 2004. Both Jonathan Ragu and Jonah Jim, in different years and at different places on Umboi Island, saw a huge animal that investigators believe has intrinsic bioluminescence. In that context, we see why so many eyewitnesses have seen a flying light, on some nights, on this tropical island. And in the context of those sightings of flying lights we can see the possibility that David Moke may have seen the glow of a ropen that night in a canoe.
copyright 2005-2019 Jonathan David Whitcomb
Email contact form for Jonathan Whitcomb
Eyewitness David Moke
Pterosaurs Still Living
A native village leader on Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea, encountered a strange light shining down on him as he was in a canoe, over a reef at night, while his buddy was underwater trying to catch fish with a flashlight.
Email contact form for Jonathan Whitcomb
Jonathan Whitcomb interviewed David Moke (above), of Opai Village, Umboi Island, late in 2004
Ropen-Pterosaur of Umboi Before examining the testimony of David Moke (pronounced mow-kay), we need to know something about two sightings of the ropen: one by Jonathan Ragu and the other by Jonah Jim. What do their observations have in common? Both of them saw a large flying creature that was glowing as it flew, and both Umboi Island men were interviewed by members of the Woetzel-Guessman team during the second ropen expedition of the year 2004. Both Jonathan Ragu and Jonah Jim, in different years and at different places on Umboi Island, saw a huge animal that investigators believe has intrinsic bioluminescence. In that context, we see why so many eyewitnesses have seen a flying light, on some nights, on this tropical island. And in the context of those sightings of flying lights we can see the possibility that David Moke may have seen the glow of a ropen that night in a canoe.
Sighting of a ropen light over a reef According to the *second edition of the book Searching for Ropens, David Moke “and Peter Luke . . . were fishing, using the local custom of attracting fish with a ‘diving torch.’ . . . this waterproof flashlight can ‘put them to sleep.’ Moonless at 11:00 p.m., close to the reef, . . . as Moke was paddling the canoe and Luke was diving, without warning or sound, the sea was lit up with a brilliant light. . . .  The light source was unseen. After about five seconds, it gradually became dimmer until all was again dark. Jonathan Whitcomb, author of the book, concluded that the ropen of Umboi Island made the flash, responding to the flashlight. *The book Searching for Ropens and Finding God is now in its fourth edition.
Mesa, with his friends Gideon Koro and Wesley Koro, was terrified by the huge ropen that flew, in daylight, over Lake Pung, Umboi Island. They were three of seven boys who hiked up to the crater lake (about December of 1993), but they all ran home after encountering that ropen. The descriptions given by the three eyewitnesses interviewed by Jonathan Whitcomb suggest, to American investigators, a giant Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur. Ten years after the sighting, during a videotaped interview, Mesa still looked nervous talking about the encounter.
Luke Paina, from the city of Lae, Papua New Guinea, saw the ropen briefly as it flew across the western side of Mount Bel on the evening of October 5, 2004 near Gomlongon Village. He was one of the interpreters for the American explorer Jonathan Whitcomb, who was asleep during the late-night sighting.
Mark Kau (seen here with two sons) oversees several villages within his government responsibilities. From 2002 through 2004, according to the request of an one American ropen investigator, Paul Nation, Kau kept notes of his sightings of the ropen light, as he saw it from Gomlongon Village. Of his several sightings in 2002, one was of the creature flying towards Mount Bel and in another it was flying away from it. Other persons on Umboi Island have had similar sightings.
Apparently the ropen has an intrinsic bioluminescent glow that it uses to catch fish on the reefs, but some villagers on Umboi Island have also seen the five-second glow as it flies near the mountains.
part of the sketch drawn by the eyewitness: U.S. Marine Eskin Kuhn
copyright 2005-2019 Jonathan David Whitcomb
Email contact form for Jonathan Whitcomb